• Daria's,  Photoshoots

    Once in Valencia

    Hi there! Today I would like to take you for a walk with me in Valencia, Spain. You will see amazing arhetecture of the main plaza in the city, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, and palace of corrida. I picked up this look, taking into account 38 degree heat. My shoulders were rescued by a kimono with sea waves, which you have seen in another photoshoot. By the way, it is The Great Wave off Kanagawa, also known as The Great Wave, which is a woodblock print by the Japanese artist Hokusai. I am an art lover, thus I am in love with the clothes based on the pictures.         Kimono: PurpleFishBowl Dress: Topshop…

  • Trends

    Checkered world

    Fashion for the checkered texture leaves us with a reproach for a bad taste, but it always comes back, crashing out of the blue. However, the most interesting thing is forms that are filled with a wide color range of tartan fabric. One of the most outstanding collections fall / winter 2013 — 2014 was the Moschino fashion show. The collection looks more like a carnival thematic: either Royal Guards have dressed high-heels shoes, or the Scottish horsewoman have had a party before the show jumping. The clothes are beautiful, elegant, but sometimes very artsy and pretentious. On the other hand mass-market produces beautiful and interesting models for adequate price category. More recently, we…

  • Brands,  History,  Trends

    50 shades of pearls

    «A women needs ropes and ropes of pearls» said beautiful Coco Chanel and she was right. Chanel has carried out a revolution in the minds of women all over the world. Now, naked woman is not considered as a nude woman, but woman without a pearl necklace is. Have you ever thought about the origin of this jewelry? These pellets have a long and interesting history that began much earlier than Coco erected pearls on the throne of elegance and beauty.   The name “pearl” supposedly comes from the East, where it was found, but there are a lot of legends about the birth. According to old Chinese legend, when dragons were…

  • Articles,  Cross cultural Fashion,  Daria's,  Без рубрики

    Reconstruction of the Finnish costume: Beauty transformation (part 2)

    The Finnish history of the 20th century is not so simple. Transformation of the standards at that time has played a huge role in the culture and style of the Finnish people. In towns, make-up was no longer considered as frivolous as it had been before. Painting your lips and powdering your nose — even in public places — was positively fashionable. Women found their role models in the great stars of the silver screen. The sales and promotion of cosmetic grew. Shops offered both Max Factor and Elizabeth Arden cosmetics and Eau de Cologne 4711. Coco Chanel`s perfume Chanel No. 5 had been on the market since the begining…

  • Articles,  Cross cultural Fashion,  Daria's,  Без рубрики

    Reconstruction of the Finnish costume (part 1)

    There is a wide range of exhibits in the State Museum of Finland in Helsinki. I had a pleasure of meeting an amazing history of the Finnish costume, and now I’m going to tell you about it. The reconstruction is based on the finds of a 10-11th century at the Luistari cemetery in Eura, Western Finland. The ancient Eura costume was the first Finnish reconstruction with a mantle dress of the so-called peplos type. The reconstruction is based on the finds of a single grave, but a dress with the same basic model was probably in use throughout Southwestern Finland during the Viking Age. The costume was ordered for the…