• Inspiration

    Fall anticrisis Wishlist

    Today I would like to share with you my fall wish list. However it will be not ordinary list with luxury items, today it will be anticrisis list with cheap and stylish stuff from Chinese shops. It was a compilation of the most relevant things to wear this autumn. 1) Sleeveless Printed Shirt To buy: http://www.dresslink.com/ 2) Short T-shirt To buy: http://www.dresslink.com/ 3) Trench Coat To buy: http://www.dresslink.com/ 4) Red wine Coat To buy: http://www.dresslink.com/ 5) Dragon Cuff To buy: http://www.dresslink.com/ 6) Khaki Vest To buy: http://www.romwe.com/ 7) Contrast Collar Coat To buy: http://www.romwe.com/ 8) Pink Backpack To buy: http://www.romwe.com/ 9) Hessian boots To buy:  First Second Third 10) Cristall Necklace To buy: http://www.asos.com/ru/

  • Inspiration

    I WISH U

    It is fashionable to make wishlists for a friends that they know what to give you for the New Year, Christmas or Birthday. All three significant days will come for me soon (my birthday is January 3), so I decided to make my wishlist right here, in my blog. Why here? I think you it be interesting to see, because everything is modern and stylish. Such things are not forgotten and remain fashionable not for years, but for centuries. Therefore, take a look and be inspired. Besides, maybe my friends will see it, so they will become billionaires abruptly and can give me something from this for the holidays (hahaha). I invite…