1001 successful bids in the UAE
If Paris is the capital of fashion, Dubai is the capital of shopping. There is a large number of goods which are circulate here. Every person consume as much as whole peoples in less-developed countries. If you found an amazing Dolce&Gabbana shoes on sale and didn’t buy them, forget it, you’ll never see them again. Arabic women shop a lot, they like fashion and can’t stop sometimes. Returning from the Emirates (6 times already), I want to tell you where and how to spend the money right. The shopping festival was organized for the 1st time by the government in 1996. This world famous festival, and authorities of Dubai invite many…
Say ‘No’ to dresses with me
I am tired to celebrate every New Year in dress, something should be changed. Every year i see a lot of girls in uncomfortable dresses and shoes. What is the stereotype to wear dresses, false lashes and heels-killers? In Russia we also have traditions to eat salad Olivier, drink a lot of alcohol, listen congratulations from the president and sleep under the Christmas tree. Just try to combine these two trends and imagine how blue and gloomy is it. My thoughts and sadness about these patterns bring me up to this article. Thus, I’m going to offer you my ideas, what we can wear this wonderful night. Of course there…
Checkered world
Fashion for the checkered texture leaves us with a reproach for a bad taste, but it always comes back, crashing out of the blue. However, the most interesting thing is forms that are filled with a wide color range of tartan fabric. One of the most outstanding collections fall / winter 2013 — 2014 was the Moschino fashion show. The collection looks more like a carnival thematic: either Royal Guards have dressed high-heels shoes, or the Scottish horsewoman have had a party before the show jumping. The clothes are beautiful, elegant, but sometimes very artsy and pretentious. On the other hand mass-market produces beautiful and interesting models for adequate price category. More recently, we…
Tweed is a rough woollen fabric, which is made by a special unfinished technology. It has a open, flexible texture and possibility to create direct lines. Unusual color combinations are obtained by twisting together differently coloured woollen strands into a two-or three-ply yarn. Originally tweed called twill, but it has received a different name because of the randomness and mistakes of a merchant. It`s not surprise that the birthplace of tweed is Scotland. In those days the economy has grown at the expense of woolen industry, the Scots are also famous for their delicious kilts. This fabric is a source of British national pride in the same list with the whiskey and kilts. The…