Stockholm Syndrome
Sweden is a very multi-faceted country: numerous islands, private Lapland, snow-haired peoples, concept design. Unfortunately, I saw only Stockholm, but for me it was enough to feel the local flavor and lifestyle. Stockholm is fairly despondent city and it is not surprising. The daylight hours are very short, all shops and restaurants close early, the only joy — museums. As for art it is a Swedish passion. Sweden is a very conceptual country, just a kingdom of contemporary art.

Why is this post called «Stockholm Syndrome»? The phenomenon when negative and aggressive behavior attracts people is the essence of the Swedish fashion. Stockholm is the city of contradictions: atrocious weather and alluring city, cold wind and hot sun, sad mood and bright houses, no curtains and a secret life.

to the topic of fashion, I would like to tell only about a few mass market
brands, just to show the main motive of the Swedish fashion. And I’ll start
with my favorite brand — Monki. Perhaps it is the brightest clothes (except for H & M, whose history I will dedicate a separate post someday), although it stands out not for its colors, but character. Everything has a special highlight. In my opinion, all performed at a high level: the selection of fabrics, prints and cut.
to the topic of fashion, I would like to tell only about a few mass market
brands, just to show the main motive of the Swedish fashion. And I’ll start
with my favorite brand — Monki. Perhaps it is the brightest clothes (except for H & M, whose history I will dedicate a separate post someday), although it stands out not for its colors, but character. Everything has a special highlight. In my opinion, all performed at a high level: the selection of fabrics, prints and cut.

I especially want to note the design of shops. When you come inside, there is a feeling that you are in Wonderland and gorgeous fitting rooms make a competition any Mirrorland. One of the key gimmick is plush aliens from designer office Electric Dreams. Since I am very greedy for marketing methods, I extremely fell in love with this brand for mysterious look and strange complicated style.
Now let’s
talk about the main disappointment of my tour. Weekday
is a progressive retail store concept, but there is a lot of questions about
the concept. Weekday unites designers such as MTWTFSS Weekday, BACK, Cheap Monday, MTWTFSS Weekday Collection, Rodebjer, Cedric Jacquemyn, Christophe Lemaire and others.
talk about the main disappointment of my tour. Weekday
is a progressive retail store concept, but there is a lot of questions about
the concept. Weekday unites designers such as MTWTFSS Weekday, BACK, Cheap Monday, MTWTFSS Weekday Collection, Rodebjer, Cedric Jacquemyn, Christophe Lemaire and others.

The range of jeans really pleases the eye, the other things depressive and gloomy. But it’s okay for the Swedish style, another problem — a form. I really don `t know, where you can wear such things. At best you could try to shock somebody at the funeral of a distant relative, or weed beds in the village. Much of it wouldn’t be dressed even by the most inveterate freaks. Sadness, depression and loneliness. Nothing strange that there is an extremely high rate of teenage suicides in Sweden.

The last cherry I want to put on this cake is my recent discovery. All these brands belong to the H&M group. One owner, 6 brands, more than 3,000 stores all around the world. So the bright future without monopolies and TNC does not threaten us.
A little bit about enjoyable things. I was very enjoyable to watch shop windows even the smallest shops. A pile of surprises and surrealism will meet you at every store in Stockholm.
Stockholm is a very nice city despite the terrible weather. Not exclude that I am a lucky. There are lovely people and beautiful places, but some wild loneliness and the feeling of emptiness are around. Nordic melancholy and grayness are constantly make feel drowsy. Perhaps that is why local residents saving themselves with bright colors on the houses and various art objects.
Scarf & green pullover: Monki
Bag: Accessorize
Boots: River Island