How to be featured by street style photographers?
Being on the Fashion Week for a first time you notice a crowd of people with cameras, which run very fast to take pictures of someone. It could be a very famous person sometimes or a character causes a lot of questions. Who is being photographed and why? How to get into the frame, and is it possible?
Firstly, all the photographers who shoot street fashion are divided into the «newcomers» and «oldies». Beginners shoot all in a row, or more often they work for a editorial assignment or to their own blog. The old photographers shoot only the stars and friends, models often get into frame. Why models do? Because talent does not spend on drinks, models always turn out more successful , because it is their job to look good on the picture. It is more important for the photographer to get a good and stylish photo, in most cases he is not interested in your clothes.
Unfortunately, the fashion world is cruel. No matter how many activists are struggle for the abolition of standards, street fashion insisted. If your figure and growth is very far from the model parameters, the maximum that you can expect is a photo by a novice photographer, gaining an audience, or a fashion portal with a small audience (like ours, I’m joking, of course). To ask the real and experienced street photographer to take pictures of you means to make a social suicide, even if he agrees, you don’t find the photos anywhere.
Anyway, photographers shoot the stars and their friends. It is a fact that the most well-known and popular personalities make the same way. For example, every season organizers of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia make a streetstyle meeting, which takes place at the weekend, they invite top street photographers such as Adam Katz Sinding, Diego Zuko and many others. Any self-respecting photographer passionately advocates for street fashion and swears that he seeks live atmosphere with interesting people who have a particular sense of style in each his interview, but in fact all of the pictures that you see on the Internet are staging. Hero of the picture was asked to go away and pretend that he does not notice the photographer. «Do your own things, behave naturally,» — that’s what the photographer talks to his old friend and leads him away from the crowd to take pictures. Photographers do not catch the stars suddenly, they force them to make circles, go back, turn away and spin.
If it was possible to pitch a tent in front of the buildings, where the shows take a part, some narrow-minded fashionistas would do it to get glossy pages. But, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, street photography is a private club and the entrance is the model parameters in conjunction with the designer rags and acquaintance. It may sound rude, but go with your own photographer (all self-respecting bloggers and even Ulyana Sergeenko do this) or look for useful contacts.
Coat: Warehouse
Boots: Ash
Dress, scarf & hat: Asos
Bag: Balenciaga
Photo: Daria Ratushina