Label under the hijab
As far as i remember my first trip to Emirates, it really surprised me. It’s very difficult to imagine how can women wear only black clothes. I was scared. Speaking about that time, i wonder about my short careless dresses. It caused great indignation and sidelong glances in my direction.
Despite such events i was really interested in arabic fashion. I suppose, that the main thing is a range of women cloths in arabic countries, which should be known by everybody.
It’s not a secret for my friends, that I feel something special about the United Arab Emirates. Definitely this country have an original zest, which is hidden from everyone like arabic woman. Many people believe, that muslim women dress up like old nomads, but it’s a huge mistake.
Quran admonishes Muslim women to dress modestly and cover their breasts and genitals. However the Quran has no requirement that women cover their faces with a veil, or cover their bodies with the full-body burqua or chador. The Quran does not mandate or mention hijab.
Every travel to UAE always comes down with shopping. The biggest shopping center is Dubai Mall, it’s my favorite shop on the Earth (there is no limit of perfection). Frankly speaking I have never seen more cultures and different people than in this Mall.
Imagine that you are going to the powder room… What do you see? Woman betters and corrects her hijab, but under the black cloths you can see.. Chanel, Dior, Dolce&Gabbana, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton and other fashion trends. Certainly it’s the latest hot items from runways and podiums. It goes without saying, we couldn’t think that ordinary woman could be local fashion icon. Is it suddenly? So, yeap.
I can describe my impressions for a long time, but i hope you don’t have false perceptions about muslim women. One of the best thing about UAE is everything is more luxury than it seems.